

Grace Howard

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Grace Howard is a Minister of the Word and Sacrament of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She was ordained in 2011. Before coming to Mt. Vernon, she was a pulpit supply pastor for National Capital Presbytery. She also served as Dean of Academics and Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at World Mission College of the Greater Washington, in Fairfax VA.

Pastor Grace grew up in South Korea. Her faith was nurtured by her faithful grandmother. She earned a BA of Agriculture in 1988. She worked for public and private education. She dedicated her life to God in 1990. And she followed her passion for worship, Christian education, evangelism, and mission to Hanil Theological Seminary where she earned her Master of Divinity in 2001. She served churches in South Korea as a director of children, youth, and college ministries.

Grace came to America in 2001. In Los Angeles, she developed an international student’s ministry and a new worshipping congregation. Grace received a Master of Arts in Youth, Family, and Culture from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2003. In 2007 she received a Doctor of Ministry from San Francisco Theological Seminary.

In Maryland, she started a new church, Crossroads International Fellowship, and a campus ministry at University of Maryland, Eastern Shore. She served as Adjunct Professor and Admission Counselor for international students at Salisbury University, MD where she also started a campus ministry, All Nations for Christ. And, in Delaware, she served as Pastor of Delaware City Presbyterian Church.

Grace's husband, Rev. Jeffrey T. Howard, is an Honorably Retired pastor of the PC (USA). Jeff has an MBA from George Mason University and an MDiv. from Fuller Theological Seminary. He primarily served as a Transitional Pastor for New Castle Presbytery. Jeff and Grace have done ministries together and supported each other’s ministries. They read the Bible, pray, and sing to the Lord together every day. They complement each other.

Jeff and Grace were married in Pasadena, CA in 2005. Grace has two sons living in Philadelphia and Boston. JaeCheon is a pharmacist who graduated from Temple University (Pharm.D.) is married.. Grace became a grandmother in September. JaeHyon is a physicist who graduated from Harvard University (Ph.D.).

Pastor Grace likes praising God, playing the guitar, and cooking. She hopes to learn worship dance. loves serving churches and being guided by the Holy Spirit in prayer ministries. She prays continually to advance in her journey with Jesus, our Lord, and The First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Vernon.


Dennis Carr

Dennis Carr is a native of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, and a 1961 graduate of Mt. Vernon High School. He studied chemistry at the University of Evansville and accepted a position at General Electric in Mt. Vernon on November 6, 1963. He then completed his studies at U of E in 1965 and continued his work as an Analytic Chemist at GE, becoming an integral part of the Research and Development team until his retirement in February of 2001. April 25, 1964, was one of the most important days of his life, for that was when he married Jeanne Morlock, and they recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. She has been an important part of the Christian ministry at First Presbyterian creating beauty in decorating projects and involving children in a variety of programs and activities. He and Jeanne are the parents of two children, Laura and Kevin, and Kevin’s wife, Paula, and grandchildren, Micheil and his wife, Aliyah, and their son, Alexander. For over 50 years, Dennis has overseen the maintenance and upkeep of the organ, and it remains in excellent condition thanks to his ongoing efforts. The American Guild of Organists also counts him as one of their most faithful and accomplished members. Dennis serves with a joyful spirit and has overseen a vital ministry of music and praise for the congregants of Mt. Vernon's First Presbyterian Church.

Clerk of Session

Walt Brunton

Assistant to the Pastor

Jeff Howard